Internet-of-Thing and Reasons Why It Is Becoming a Reality
It is widely accepted that the Era of IoT can potentially connect billions of sensors, devices, equipment, systems, etc. In turn, the challenge is about driving business outcomes, consumer benefits, and the creation of new value. While benefits of IoT are clearly stated for increased process efficiency through automation & optimization, the deployment of such devices in a large scale is still held back by technical challenges. However, there are a number of small revolutions that are rapidly turning IoT into reality. In this presentation we will present how new contributions in the domain of hardware, communication, data storage and data-processing definitely make the IoT paradigm to happen with an unpreceding level of flexibility and cost effective implementations. The presentation will also discuss how IoT can become reality in developing countries by carefully take into account these specific contcxts when designing and developing IoT frameworks and platforms. We will illustrate with outcomes of the H2020 WAZIUP project that targets deployment of low-cost IoT in sub-Saharan Africa countries.