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Optimization Test ECC Data privacy Neural networks Neuromorphic circuits Application programs Continual learning Quantum computing Machine Learning Cloud computing Memristor Algorithms Wire Electron devices Encryption Network-on-chip Classification In-memory computing Many-core architecture Pipelines Compiler Time domain reflectometry Formal methods Reflectometry Automation Convolution Convolutional neural networks Chiplet Complex networks Spiking neural network Diagnosis Mapping Random access storage FPGA Energy efficiency Time domain analysis Computation theory Timing circuits Instrumentation Compilation Reflection Approximate computing Data flow analysis Parallel programming Cryptography Application specific integrated circuits Microarchitecture Convolutional neural network System-on-chip Many-core Benchmarking Ho-momorphic encryptions Embedded systems Coq Artificial synapses RRAM Energy utilization Confidentiality Real-time Reflectometers Computer architecture Design Embedded application Deep learning Computational modeling Real time systems Network architecture Neuromorphic computing Machine learning Model checking Clocks Program compilers Latency Hardware Privacy Heterogeneous computing Data handling Federated Learning Reliability Computer hardware Parallel processing systems Cables Flip flop circuits Fault detection Approximation algorithm In-Memory Computing 8T SRAM cell Makespan Image processing Spiking neural networks Scheduling Computing resource Artificial intelligence Fault tolerance Neural network Reconfigurable hardware Real-time systems C programming language Homomorphic Encryption